Including walk gradings, general walk information, guidelines for walk leaders and data protection policy (GDPR)
Updated June 2024
For latest updates regarding walks and other events, please refer to the "News/Reports" and "Walks programme" pages (click on links above).
All walkers are reminded that they attend walks in this programme at their own risk and they are responsible for their own personal safety - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY THE DISCLAIMER ON THE HOME PAGE OF THIS WEBSITE. It is important, therefore, that each member appreciates that they have a responsibility to identify hazards and take reasonable steps to eliminate or minimize the potential for an accident.
MEETING POINT - for all walks the departure point is the Milton Court Ravenshead Car Park (RCP), at 9:00 am unless otherwise stated in the individual walk details. Cars may not be left at this car park, as it is only a meeting and set off point. Further details of walks and alternative joining arrangements can be obtained from the walk leader, whose telephone number is given within the walks programme.
In view of the unfortunate recent leaving behind of four members it is perhaps time to review our departure arrangements. Departure from Ravenshead at 9.00a.m. (Saturday and Sunday) or 9.30a.m. (Tuesday) works well.
If you are making your own way to the start of the walk, it is essential to contact the leader preferably by telephone call (as has been the norm) at the latest the day before the walk. In the past it has proved unreliable to text/email the leader on the morning of the walk because of the lack of signal at or near the start of the walk.
If you have to contact the leader on the morning of the walk, it is even more important to use a voice call rather than risk a text/email to ensure that the message gets through. Thus the walk leader can make allowance if members are delayed e.g. by traffic or navigation issues. Walk leaders are reminded that they should not start the walk before the agreed published walk departure start time.
If for any reason the programmed walk cannot proceed on the day, an alternative will be substituted if possible. Amendments or changes to walks will be notified in advance on the NEWS page of this website (see menu above) and via email, where practical.
Easy - walks for anyone who does not have a mobility difficulty, a specific health problem or is seriously unfit. Suitable for pushchairs if they can be lifted over occasional obstructions. Comfortable shoes or trainers can be worn.
Moderate - walks for people with country walking experience and a good level of fitness. May include some steep paths and open country, and may be at a brisk pace. Walking boots and warm, waterproof clothing are essential.
Strenuous - walks for experienced country walkers with an above average fitness level. May include hills and rough country, and may be at a brisk pace. Walking boots and warm, waterproof clothing are essential. People in doubt about their fitness should contact the organiser or leader in advance.
Walk gradings are provided as a general guide only. If you have any doubt about your fitness for a particular walk, please contact the organiser or leader in advance.
Bear in mind the distance of the walk, regional differences in terrain and the possibility of bad weather, which can make a walk more difficult than planned.
If you're unsure of your fitness level, try a short and easy walk first - it's much better to find a walk a little too slow and easy than to make yourself miserable and exhausted.
Leaders may refuse to accept participants who in their opinion are inadequately equipped or unfit.
Dovedale in Flood
We walk throughout the year, therefore some of the items are seasonal. Remember weather conditions, in
particular on high ground, can change very quickly with little or no warning. The following is a list of items which you
should consider bringing on a walk:
Some ID in a fairly indestructible form
Light waterproof mat to sit on
Comfortable walking boots, stout walking/hiking shoes (not trainers unless specifically designed for walking)
Waterproof jacket & over-trousers
Warm clothing – plenty of layers
Spare pullover, hat, gloves & scarf
Packed lunch (including high energy food)
Personal first aid kit
Water (hot drinks on cold day)
Small rucksack to carry it all in.
Also sundries like map, whistle and compass – all essential items when walking alone.
The walk leader has to do more than just lead the walk. Please help to make the walk leader’s job easier by
following these common sense rules:
Avoid walking too far in front of the leader.
Keep to path and walk in single file over crops – particularly grass.
Observe the Country Code
Tell the leader, if for any reason, you decide to leave the group.
Children are welcome but must be accompanied by a parent or grandparent. If a child is accompanied by someone
other than these a letter must be obtained giving the person permission to act in loco parentis. Please ensure the
walk is suitable for children by contacting the walk leader prior to the walk.
We normally travel by car to the walk location, sharing transport wherever possible. Drivers often appreciate it if
passengers make a voluntary contribution towards their costs (fuel, car parking etc.).
If a driver requests a contribution it may invalidate their vehicle insurance. Drivers should check with their insurer
that receipt of a voluntary contribution towards costs does not invalidate their insurance.
Alternatively, friends may reach other arrangements such as using each other’s cars on alternative occasions or
sharing incidental costs such as parking charges.
Guidelines for new Walk Leaders ( as requested at the AGM )
1. If possible choose a walk that you already know.
2. Nevertheless do a reconnaissance of the walk to ensure
that there are no unexpected variations. This will also give
you confidence on the walk. If you would like
help/encouragement see 3 below.
3. If the walk is new to you, ask if there is an experienced
leader of the group who will accompany ( buddy ) you on
your reconnaissance.
4. On your reconnaissance seek out appropriate spots for
coffee stops, lunch stops and comfort stops. ( picnic tables,
logs to sit on are desirable, but not essential.)
5. Make sure you have the necessary information about the
start point of the walk for enquiries from members who
wish to travel independently
6. On the day of the walk: Meet members at the library car
park and give directions ( with map if possible ) to the start
7. Before you set off on the walk: (i) Give a brief
description of the walk. (ii) Appoint a backmarker ( by
asking for a volunteer ), (iii) Establish the number of
walkers in the group.
8. On the walk: (i) Set a pace which is comfortable for the
whole group, making sure that you can see the
backmarker at the rear of the group at all times. (ii) At
gates, stiles etc. stop and let the party re-group. (iii) At
junctions or bifurcations stop and ensure that the
whole party is aware of the change of direction, (iv)
ensure that you build in sufficient comfort stops.
9. At coffee and lunch stops give sufficient time for a relaxed
break and indicate when you are ready to move off by
announcing a five minute warning.
10. If bad weather intrudes give walkers time to put on extra
clothing ( waterproofs, extra layers etc.) and conversely
time to remove extra clothing if the weather improves.
11. Keep a careful eye on any member of the group who
might show signs of distress.
12. As leader, beware of long, albeit fascinating chats with
fellow walkers. That is where your attention can wander
and you miss an important turn.
13. If you think you have gone astray, Stop! Own up ( we’ve
all done it.). Get the group to take a break while you
retrace your steps, get your bearings and are confident
about the correct route. Don’t just plough on hoping
everything will turn out right. You will have many ( too
many! ) helpers. All will have an opinion! Select just one or
two to assist.
14. Keep checking your numbers, particularly when you
move off after a stop, ensuring that you have not left
anybody behind.
15. If you have gathered interesting information about points
on your walk, stop, gather the group together and share
that information. Alternatively share an anecdote or story
with the group. Some will be grateful for the rest!
16. End up at the end of the day with as many walkers as
you set off with!
Remember you are never lost! You are simply temporarily
Good Luck!
Thor's cave
Fields near Farnsfield
Chrome Hill
GDPR ( Data Protection Policy )
As all communications for the activities of this group are via e-mail
and membership of this group requires acceptance of this, it is
appropriate that we should explain the group’s GDPR policy to
reassure members.
Your e-mail address will only be used for the following:
● Invitations to lead walks when compiling new walks
● Circulation of new electronic walks programmes which include
walk leaders’ names and contact details
● Urgent communication – such as cancellation of walks and
changes to published walks.
● Notification of social events.
● Notification of our Annual General Meeting ( AGM ).
● Matters affecting the management of the group.
● Subscription renewal notifications
We do not:
Send out any e-mails for advertising or market research
Share or pass on your e-mail address with other
All e-mails are sent out via bcc address ( blind carbon copy )
This ensures that no other member sees your e-mail address
nor you theirs. You will only see the originator’s address.
For members of the former Ravenshead and Hucknall
Ramblers Group.
As former officers of that group both Brian Culpin ( Walks
Coordinator ) and Dick Brader ( Chairman ) hold data
( Telephone, Address, Use of photographs ) and your consent
form for your use of that data. If you are happy to consent to
the continued use and retention of that data you need do
Derbyshire towards Wetton