Any last minute changes to or information about walk details or other events will be posted here
​​​​Walk date change
Sunday 23rd February moved to Sunday 2nd March
Walk swap
Please see "Walks programme" page for details of the walk swap on 15th and 23rd March.
​Annual Dinner Thursday 30th January 2025
Ramsdale Golf Club
Latest update:
We are pleased to announce that more than 30 members have made a booking for the Annual Dinner and our deposit is therefore safe. We thank members for booking early and giving us this security. It is still possible to make a reservation to add to this number, but this must be done by contacting Wendy Culpin (01623 796444} by Saturday 4th January.
We are proposing to hold a raffle in aid of group funds. In the past members have been kind enough to donate suitable raffle prizes. If you are happy to donate a prize (unwanted Christmas gift/alcohol etc.) please inform Wendy in advance. Please note that this is purely voluntary and there is no pressure!
A further date for your diaries
RandH Walking Group AGM 2025
The Village Hall has been booked for the above event for
Wednesday 26th March 2025
The committee has made arrangements for our Annual Dinner, to be held on Thursday,
30th January 2025. The evening is open to all members and guests and is an excellent
opportunity to meet and socialise.
All responses/bookings (and payments) to this invitation are requested by Wednesday
4th December at the very latest. To secure the booking we have had to commit to a minimum
number of diners and pay a substantial deposit to Ramsdale, necessary to meet their
Terms & Conditions. This will be forfeit should we find it necessary to cancel within
a given time frame.
All replies to be either sent or handed to Wendy, Brian or Dick please, alternatively
Postal responses to:
Wendy Culpin, 7 Litton Close, Ravenshead, Notts. NG15 9EW
Annual Meal: 7:00 for 7:30pm – Cost: £28.50 per person
Allan and Kath's Tuesday Walks
Allan has finally undergone long awaited heart surgery and is recovering now at home. We all wish him well and look forward to his return to full health and vigour.
In the meantime in his enforced absence the Tuesday Walks will be managed and led by other members of the leader team.
See the "Walks programme" page for individual walk details.
Sunday 2nd April 2023
The inaugural walk of the newly formed Ravenshead & Hucknall Walking Group got off to a great start on Sunday with Frances and Mel in the lead. An injured Dick turned up at the start with a bottle of fizz to christen the group, with Frances and Mel providing further solid and liquid goodies for later in the day. A great day was had by all.
Ravenshead and Hucknall Walking Group - the off!
Click on any photo to enlarge
L to r: Glynne, Dick, Peter, Georgina, Allan, Anne, Carol (with bottle), Kath, Mel, Frances, Margaret and Mick
Celebration goodies
"Coffee" stop
Lunch stop - St Werburgh's Church, Blackwell, or is it?