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30 Hoverfly.jpg
30 Hoverfly.jpg
30 Hoverfly.jpg
30 Hoverfly.jpg
Slide 28 Buzzard.jpg
Slide 26 Storm Brewing.jpg
December competition 
(Collage of my best shots 2024)
Click on photo to enlarge
Winner:  Alan Wales: "Best shots - nature" (34 points)
04 Best shots - nature.jpg
Joint Second:  
01 Botswana Birds.jpg
03 Collage 2024.jpg
Carol Russell: "Collage" and Andy Bebbington:
                               "Botswana birds" (14 points)
Third: Ken White: "Flowers upon
                          flowers" (12 points)
05 Flowers upon Flowers.jpg
Highly Commended: Alan Wales: "Best shots - nature"
04 Best shots - nature.jpg
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