Digital editing courses
The digital photo editor I've used for years is Corel's PaintShop Pro. When I last updated this, the 2023 version had just appeared. The 2024 version hasn't yet succeeded it. You might wonder why I don't use Photoshop or Lightroom, which seem the most popular editors out there. That's easy: I object to "renting" software, preferring to choose when I think my current version needs updating, instead of paying £10 or more per month, much more than the alternatives.

Using PaintShop Pro for demonstrations of editing techniques during my talks, several members showed an interest, especially comparing the price with comparable packages from other software publishers. When numerous members started asking similar questions, I decided to start a course covering basic techniques using the package.

I've used PaintShop Pro since I had a Sinclair Spectrum (shareware - for those of you old enough to remember!). I then used various versions during my 10-year stint as a professional photographer and - since I found it could do everything I needed - I couldn't be bothered to learn a new application (old dogs and new tricks?).

Members attending have remarked how useful they've found the course. Even members who use other editors have said they have gained new ideas and seen further possibilities. If you think you'd benefit from a few regular training sessions, get in touch.
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Corel's PaintShop Pro 2023 and AfterShot Pro 3 cannot handle the RAW files (*.CR3) produced by my latest camera, the Canon EOS R7. I have contacted Corel and they say they have no plans to update. Despite several attempts, they failed to remedy the problem.
I have no interest in subscription software such as that offered by Adobe, so, faced with this problem, I took advantage of an offer by Serif, the publishers of Affinity Photo 2. They offer a free 6-month trial, and I soon found the RAW handling capability was excellent. I've now bought it, so I'm now learning a new editor and will give talks on its use as soon as my expertise grows.
An added bonus is that several members of the group use it, too, so I now tend to give demos in both editors if possible.