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The last part of our meeting consists of a talk, usually - but not always - given by Glynne, on a particular aspect of photography and/or digital editing. The original purpose of these talks was to allow those members with limited experience of digital photography and editing to brush up on their basic techniques and learn new ones, hoping to put them on a more equal footing with the more experienced members of the group.

Recently, other members have given talks about subjects they have experience of, and this is hopefully a growing trend.


Aimed principally at members who have little or no knowledge of the subject, the talk is placed at the end of the meeting so that those members who feel they have a solid grasp of the topic being discussed can opt to leave early.

For details of upcoming talks (where available), click on the "Meetings etc." page top right.

During the pandemic, Glynne recorded online video versions of the more popular topics, so that members could remind themselves of some of the techniques outlined in them. Make sure your sound is turned up, then click on the links opposite to view them..... ->

2024 talks

January: (Tony Wardell) Using your mobile phone camera with a birding scope

(Glynne) Attaching your mirrorless camera to an astronomical telescope

February: Digital editing software (update)

March: Basic editing techniques 1

April: Basic editing techniques 2

May: Astrophotography (Jan Rek)

June: The Mode Dial

August: Selective colour

September: HDR (High Dynamic Range)

October: AEB (Automatic Exposure Bracketing)

November: Creating a collage

2025 talks

January: Layers

February: Favourite photoshoots (members)

March: Studio lighting (Malcolm)

April: Taking Control


Online talks/tutorials - click/tap on the link

Taking control (escaping your camera's Auto function):


Basic digital editing 1: (straighten tool, crop tool, customising the toolbar, sharpen, makeover)


Basic digital editing 2: (cloning, curves, perspective

correction, depth of field)

Basic digital editing 3 (layers):


Basic digital editing 4: (more cloning, cropping, curves, photo restoration)     

What makes a good photo?

AEB - HDR: The theory:

HDR Processing Demo:

Taking control title page.jpg
Affinity logo.jpg
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© 2019-24 by Ravenshead & District Photo Club. Created by Glynne with software

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