Contact us
Membership averages £10-15 per year - depending on membership numbers - to cover hiring the venue, which at the moment costs £20 per month for our two hour session.
We meet at Ravenshead Village Hall (see map below) on the last Wednesday of each month, 2 - 4 pm.
For the date of our next meeting, competition themes and talk topics, click on this button:

"Angry skies over Clipstone" by Ken White

Heather Robinson: "A walk in Rufford"
If you'd like to become a member of the group, or if you'd like to come along for a couple of visits before deciding, or if you are already a member and you want to contact Glynne for information on courses and individual training sessions, please use these contact details:
01623 791802 (phone/voicemail)
07968 097308 (mobile/text/voicemail/WhatsApp)