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About Us

Disclaimer – please read carefully


The Ravenshead & District Wildlife Group is an informal group of likeminded individuals and friends who meet up on an approximately monthly basis at a variety of venues in and around Nottinghamshire for the purpose of wildlife observation and photography.

As the conditions at each venue vary considerably and are in no respect under the control of the organisers, the group and its organisers accept no responsibility for any loss, injury or damage to any of its members or their property during any activity or while travelling to or from said venues.

Participation in the group’s activities indicates acceptance of these conditions.

Our origins started with the Ravenshead U3A Birders Group in 2012, led by Peter York. When Peter moved away a few years ago, Graham Jukes and Tony Wardell (see Contact Us page for contact details) jointly took over the co-ordination of our programme. Tony is now the main co-ordinator. To widen our scope we decided in May 2019 to become an informal, independent group outside the U3A.


We encourage people of all ages and abilities who are interested in all aspects of wildlife to come along and join in the activities. Over the years we've extended our range of interests beyond birds to encompass flora and fauna of all kinds, particularly insects/arachnids, encouraged by our expert Dave McGeever.


Our meetings are out in the field, often at wildlife centres in and around Nottinghamshire, usually between Monday and Friday, and our transport arrangements usually involve car sharing. Sometimes - depending on the venue - we might use a Ravenshead Community Transport minibus. If you intend making your own way there, please check with Tony to establish the exact meeting point and probable time.


Reed bunting - Spurn Point


Reed warbler - Spurn Point

We try to vary the distance of our venues, one near home followed by one more distant. The locations of our meetings this year are shown on the                   page (click on this button to go there).


We usually have one annual indoor meeting in early January to decide our programme for the year and to review the year gone by. One or more of our members usually provide a photo show of the birds and other wildlife we've seen over the year.


You can find the details of each month's activities, including starting time and location, on the Programme Page. PLEASE  get in the habit of checking the Programme page the day before a meeting for latest arrangements and information.


Participants in the group's activities are encouraged to submit photographs and impressions (within one week) for inclusion in the monthly visit report published on our Photos & Reports Pages (accessible via buttons top right). Please send these to our website editor, Glynne, at



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